Frisk Flugt klipper i Blød By at Hospital Prison University Archive, 2017
Frisk Flugt is a militant research project exploring potential lines of flight as resistance and praxis of autonomization. It is an edited output of shared ideas and visual practices founded in the format of a zine. Rather than being a classic academic publication on critical themes, Frisk Flugt propose a more fluid and aesthetic approach to the space of critique, balancing the visual work with the written word, the published with the performed, the theoretical with praxis.
Frisk Flugt klipper i Blød By - Installation view, Hospital Prison University Archive, 2017
Frisk Flugt klipper i Blød By - Installation view, Hospital Prison University Archive, 2017
Frisk Flugt klipper i Blød By - Film Screening, Hospital Prison University Archive, 2017
Frisk Flugt klipper i Blød By - Book (52 pages), In collaboration with Hospital Prison University Archive, 2018
Frisk Flugt klipper i Blød By - Book launch and public reading, Hospital Prison University Archive, 2018